Aug. 29- Sept. 2, 2022

Spalding: This week in Spalding, our scholars will learn how to identify sounds and form words based off of those sounds. We will begin with 4-5 new words each day (Monday-Wednesday) for the first couple of months. We will then jump up to 10 new words each day at the beginning of October. We will have “Review Days” every Thursday, and a Spelling Test every Friday. For Spalding homework, parents are expected to dictate each word to their Scholar each week. Further instruction is included on the homework sheet. Please encourage your Scholar to always use their best handwriting, as handwriting is part of their homework and test grade.

Grammar: In Grammar, scholars will learn about complete sentences, capital letters and periods. Students will also focus on common nouns this week.

Math: The scholars will begin the week reviewing the concepts learned in chapter 1. We will focus on counting on and counting back between 0-10, creating number bonds for numbers 1-10 (part-part- whole), and identifying if a number is more than or less than another. We will have a test on chapter one on Wednesday, August 31st. We will then move into our second unit which is focused on adding numbers within 10. We will use the vocabulary used in chapter one such in creating number bonds ( part-part- whole) as we move into this unit. The scholars will learn the additional vocabulary of  addition equation, plus, and equals. When helping your scholar with homework during this unit, you can use this vocabulary to help support their understanding. 

Literature:  This week we will be reading our very first classic to keep!  Please make sure your scholar has their copy of "Frog and Toad are Friends" at school on Monday labelled with their name.  We will be enjoying and discussing these classic stories as well as discovering the virtues demonstrated by our characters and how we can apply those lessons in our own lives.  For poetry we will be working on the poem "I'm Glad" which will be recited in class on Tuesday, September 6th. 

 History: We will be having a review over Unit 1. Unit 1 test will be on Wednesday.  We will begin unit 2 of Mesopotamia.

 Science: We will be exploring Sun, Moon and Stars. We will be learning about Moon phases and constellations.

REMINDER:  No School on Labor Day, September 5.  Enjoy your holiday!



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