October 17th-21st

Dear first grade families!

    We are all tremendously proud of all of our scholars and the growth that has already been made this school year. Going forward, we will be using our blog as a key form of communication. Here you can find important dates, test reminders, and an overview of what your scholar will be learning the following week. We highly recommend bookmarking this blog and checking back on it weekly for important things to come. All of the lead teachers will also have the link to the blog in our email signature for your convenience. While, we still will be sending emails as different events come up, you will be able to find more information here. We are so glad to have you!


                                With gratitude,

                                        The first grade team

We are so excited for what is to come after fall break! 

Important Dates:


  • Fall break is October 10-14
  • Conferences are October 10th and 11th
  • No school October 21st
  • Winter concert 12/2

What we are doing this week:

Spaldling: Scholars will learn 10 words each day for a 20-word spelling test on Thursday, October 20th. Phonogram focus: ng, ee, ay, ai, er, ur, or, ar, ch, oa

Math: In math this week, we will be diving into place value! This can be a very tricky concept for first grade  so be sure to keep that in mind as you work with your scholar. We will spend some time at the beginning of the week reviewing the concepts previously learned to get back in the gear of doing math. A letter will be sent home on Monday with an overview of the unit and different tools to help your scholar at home. After which, we will dive into place value and how numbers within 20 can be represented as tens and ones. We will use lines (sticks) to represent tens, and dots to represent ones.  

Literature:  This week in literature we are going to explore riddles and tongue twisters along with the concept of alliteration. This is a fun opportunity to share your favorite riddles and tongue twisters with your scholar!  Scholars will also be learning another common phrase "There's No Place Like Home".  In poetry, we will be starting a new poem for memorization, "Hearts Like Doors".  This poem will be recited October 27th. 

Grammar:  Our focus this week will be on “months of the year”. We will emphasize that months of the year are proper nouns because they each have their own special name. Scholars will carry over their knowledge of abbreviations from last week and learn how to abbreviate each month.

History: We will begin discussing Judaism, Moses, and the Jewish People in Egypt. We will also discuss the holy book, and the plague. At the end of the week, we will be discussing the Flight from Egypt and items such as the Star of David. 

Science: On Tuesday, we will be doing a seed experiment. On Thursday, we will be discussing how animals are alike and different and discussing traits of animals.

Have a fall-tastic break!

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